The X World Children’s Drawing Competition award ceremony was held on October 21 in the town of Kazanlak. The Little Zograff Foundation, with the partnership of NUPID “Acad. Dechko Uzunov,” hosted the event.
The event was оpened with a dance performance presented to the guests by the exceptional folk ensemble “Rila rhythms”.
Folklore ensemble “Rila Rhythms” from the “Hristo Botev 1898” National Community Center, Rila.
This was followed by speeches by Mr. Ivanov, manager of The Little Zograff Foundation and Mrs. Minekova, director of NUPID “Acad. Uzunov boy”. During the event, Ms. Minekova was honored with an award for her contribution to the art education of children and youth.
Mr. Ivanov’s address to the awarded children and their families and teachers.
Address of Mrs. Minekova, director of NUPID “Acad. Dechko Uzunov”.
Among the guests of the event were dozens of the awarded children from Bulgaria, their parents and teachers, as well as our special guests from Art Center “Michelangelo”, Athens, and En Hordais & Organois, Syros. We are also grateful to First Counselor of the Embassy of Belarus in Bulgaria – Nikolay Pozniak – for his presence at the ceremony. We thank him for accepting the award of the bronze medalist child from Belarus.
The 12 year old Thanasis Sabanis from Athens, was honored with Special Prize “LITTLE ZOGRAFF FOUNDATION” for his painting “The Animals Also Suffer”. Although Thanasis was unable to attend the ceremony in person, he had prepared a special recording that was broadcast during the awards ceremony. In it, the winner thanked the Foundation and the jury for the high evaluation of his artwork. Thanasis addressed all those present with the message that we should think more about the harmful influence of man on nature and in particular – on animals. This is also the message of the painting of this year’s winner of The Special Prize “LITTLE ZOGRAFF FOUNDATION”!
The prize of Thanasis Sabanis was accepted by his art teacher – Margarita Radeva.
Margarita Radeva was also awarded the “The Best Teacher” prize, on the occasion of the excellent performance of her students from Κέντρο Τέχνης – Michelangelo / Art Center – Michelangelo in the competition!
Mrs. Radeva accepts the prize of her student Thanasis Sabanis.
The Special Prize “PEPA BOYANOVA” of THE X WORLD COMPETITION FOR CHILDREN’S DRAWINGS was given to 15 years old Sofia Mateova from Bulgaria for her painting “Care”.The winners of the “Pepa Boyanova” Special Award from the previous two editions of the competition – Gabriela Stoyanova and Angelina Stoykova – were also present at the ceremony to present the prize to Sofia.
The winners of The Special Prize “Pepa Boyanova” from the previous two editions of the competition (Gabriela Stoyanova and Angelina Stoykova) presented the award to Sofia Mateova.
This was followed by the presentation of the medals and ithe honorable mention awards in this year’s edition of the competition.
A group photo of our wonderful award winning children in the X World Children’s Drawing Competition.